diff options
9 files changed, 788 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2024/ b/2024/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5a41b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#advent of code 2024
+#day 17
+#code needs input reading, hardcoded my input out of convenience
+#the fucking commas where part of a solution lol, misread the problem there
+#if I were to reverse the logic for 3rd argument in broot function
+#it could work for longer inputs
+import re
+RegsRaw, ProgRaw = open("","r").read().split("\n\n");
+#by Eric's request, the input is removed
+MyCode = [];
+MyA = ;
+Register = {};
+Register[0] = 0; #A
+Register[1] = 0; #B
+Register[2] = 0; #C
+def combo(op):
+ if op <= 3: return op;
+ elif op == 4: return Register[0];
+ elif op == 5: return Register[1];
+ elif op == 6: return Register[2];
+def runprogram(code,A):
+ Results = [];
+ InstrPointer = 0;
+ Register[0] = A; #A
+ while InstrPointer < len(code):
+ operand = code[InstrPointer+1];
+ Inst = code[InstrPointer];
+ #print(InstrPointer, Inst , operand);
+ if Inst == 0: Register[0] = Register[0]>>combo(operand);
+ elif Inst == 1: Register[1] = Register[1]^operand;
+ elif Inst == 2: Register[1] = combo(operand)%8;
+ elif Inst == 3:
+ if Register[0] != 0: InstrPointer = operand -2;
+ elif Inst == 4: Register[1] = Register[1]^Register[2];
+ elif Inst == 5: Results.append(combo(operand)%8);
+ elif Inst == 6: Register[1] = Register[0]>>combo(operand);
+ elif Inst == 7: Register[2] = Register[0]>>combo(operand);
+ InstrPointer += 2;
+ return Results;
+def broot(code,PotentialA,ind):
+ valid = [];
+ if ind == 0:
+ PotentialA = [0];
+ for pa in PotentialA:
+ for option in range(8):
+ A_to_check = pow(8,(15-ind))*option + pa;
+ output = runprogram(code,A_to_check);
+ if output[-ind-1:] == code[-ind-1:]: valid.append(A_to_check);
+ if ind != 15:
+ valid = broot(code,valid.copy(),ind+1);
+ return valid;
+part1 = ",".join([str(n) for n in runprogram(MyCode,MyA)]);
+print("part 1 =", part1);
+MinimalValues = broot(MyCode,[],0);
+part2 = MinimalValues[0];
+for mv in MinimalValues:
+ if runprogram(MyCode,mv) == MyCode: part2 = min(part2,mv);
+print("part 2 =",part2);
diff --git a/2024/ b/2024/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f848fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#advent of code 2024
+#day 18
+#advent of gridbroot
+import heapq
+mygrid = {};
+FallingBytes = [];
+lim = 70 + 1;
+bytelim = 1024;
+for p in [(X,Y) for Y in range(lim) for X in range(lim)]: mygrid[p] = ".";
+#myfile = "18.ex";
+myfile = "";
+if myfile != "": #if example
+ lim = 7;
+ bytelim = 12;
+f = open(myfile,"r");
+for counter,l in enumerate(f):
+ bytex,bytey = [int(v) for v in l.strip().split(",")];
+ FallingBytes.append((bytex,bytey));
+ if counter < bytelim: mygrid[(bytex,bytey)] = "#";
+start = (0,0);
+end = (lim-1,lim-1);
+dirs = [(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)]; #east, south, west, north
+def getAdjacent(grid,coordinates):
+ adj = [];
+ xp, yp = coordinates;
+ for i,d in enumerate(dirs):
+ dx,dy = d;
+ if grid.get((xp+dx,yp+dy),"#") != "#":
+ adj.append((xp+dx,yp+dy));
+ return adj;
+def shortestpath(grid,startpos):
+ score = 0;
+ visited = set();
+ queue = [(0,startpos)];
+ while queue:
+ dist, pos = heapq.heappop(queue);
+ if pos in visited: continue;
+ visited.add(pos);
+ if pos == end:
+ score = dist;
+ break;
+ NextPositions = getAdjacent(grid,pos);
+ for NP in NextPositions:
+ heapq.heappush(queue,(dist+1,NP));
+ return score
+part1 = shortestpath(mygrid,start);
+print("part 1 =",part1);
+part2 = None;
+for b_ind,b in enumerate(FallingBytes[bytelim:]):
+ mygrid[b] = "#";
+ path = shortestpath(mygrid,start);
+ if path == 0:
+ part2 = f'{b[0]},{b[1]}';
+ break;
+print("part 2 =",part2);
diff --git a/2024/ b/2024/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb3721a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#advent of code 2024
+#day 19
+#unfortunately I didn't figure it out in time on my own
+#I read some tips on the internet and returned to it on later date
+#my attempt was kinda close but I didn't manage to correctly
+#control the flow of the program which lead to duplicated paths
+#I used the patterns dictionary to split the patterns based on their
+#first letter so I don't need to check all patterns at the same time,
+#only those potentially correct
+#then, using CalcDesign function, we iterate over the whole string
+#the dictionary PatternPaths stores the total amount of possible ways
+#to reach a given substring of the function argument
+#when we check each character c of the argument, we first look up
+#how many paths there are to reach this substring (if it's the first
+#letter then it is hardcoded as 1). Then we iterate over the list of
+#patterns that begin with given character.
+#if the substring plus pattern are the same as the substring of design
+#then it is counted as possible path
+#function returns a bool and an int: if there's at least one way to reach
+#desired design (part 1), and amount of possible ways to reach it (part 2)
+def CalcDesign(design):
+ PatternPaths = {};
+ for c_ind,c in enumerate(design): #character index, character
+ subpath = PatternPaths.get(design[:c_ind],0) + 1*(c_ind==0);
+ for pattern in patterns.get(c,[]):
+ subdesign = design[:c_ind] + pattern;
+ if subdesign == design[:c_ind + len(pattern)]:
+ if subdesign not in PatternPaths:
+ PatternPaths[subdesign] = 0;
+ PatternPaths[subdesign] += subpath + 0;
+ paths = PatternPaths.get(design,0);
+ return paths != 0, paths;
+part1 = 0;
+part2 = 0;
+patterns = {};
+data1, data2 = open("","r").read().split("\n\n");
+for data in data1.strip().split(", "):
+ if data[0] not in patterns: patterns[data[0]] = [];
+ patterns[data[0]].append(data);
+for des in data2.strip().split("\n"):
+ ok,TotalPaths = CalcDesign(des);
+ part1 += ok*1;
+ part2 += TotalPaths;
+print("part 1 =", part1);
+print("part 2 =", part2);
diff --git a/2024/ b/2024/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16ed3c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#advent of code 2024
+#day 20
+#shamelessly copypasted previous pathfinding and input parsing
+#except it needed much adjustments because it's not really pathfinding
+#basically: calculate map of distances between each point with djikstra
+#since the path never branches, you can use these distances
+#instead of recalculating the path after each cheat
+grid = {};
+xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax = 0,0,0,0; #could get rid of it but w/e
+dirs = [(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)]; #east, south, west, north
+f = open("","r");
+for y,l in enumerate(f):
+ yMax = max(y,yMax);
+ for x,c in enumerate(l.strip()):
+ if c == "S":
+ start = (x,y);
+ c = "."
+ elif c == "E":
+ end = (x,y);
+ c = "."
+ grid[(x,y)]=c;
+ xMax = max(xMax,x);
+def getAdjacent(coordinates):
+ adj = [];
+ xp, yp = coordinates;
+ for d in dirs:
+ dx,dy = d;
+ if grid.get((xp+dx,yp+dy),"#") != "#":
+ adj.append((xp+dx,yp+dy));
+ return adj;
+def djikstra(startpos,endpos):
+ queue = [];
+ DistanceMap = {};
+ queue = [(startpos,0)];
+ while queue:
+ coords,dist = queue.pop();
+ if coords in DistanceMap: continue;
+ DistanceMap[coords] = min(DistanceMap.get(coords,float('inf')),dist);
+ for NextPos in getAdjacent(coords):
+ queue.append((NextPos,dist+1));
+ return DistanceMap;
+def cheatAdjacent(coordinates,secs):
+ adj = set();
+ px,py = coordinates;
+ for X in range(secs+1):
+ for Y in range(secs+1-X):
+ adj.add((px+X*1,py+Y*1));
+ adj.add((px+X*(-1),py+Y*(-1)));
+ adj.add((px+X*(1),py+Y*(-1)));
+ adj.add((px+X*(-1),py+Y*(1)));
+ return adj;
+PathDistances = djikstra(start,end);
+part1 = 0;
+part2 = 0;
+for position in PathDistances:
+ d1 = PathDistances.get(position,-1); #negative value if there's no match
+ CheatedSteps = cheatAdjacent(position,20);
+ for ch in CheatedSteps:
+ d2 = PathDistances.get(ch,-1); #negative value if there's no match
+ if d2 == -1: continue; #if the step isn't in the PathDistances, then it's not valid
+ manhattan = abs(ch[0]-position[0]) + abs(ch[1]-position[1])
+ ScoreDifference = d2-d1 - manhattan
+ if ScoreDifference >= 100: #from description, doesn't work for example
+ part2 += 1;
+ part1 += 1*(manhattan <= 2);
+print("part 1 =", part1);
+print("part 2 =", part2);
+#grid print for reference/debugging
+#for y in range(yMax+1):
+# for x in range(xMax+1):
+# c = grid[(x,y)];
+# if (x,y) == start: c = "S";
+# elif (x,y) == end: c = "E";
+# print(c, end="");
+# print();
diff --git a/2024/ b/2024/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d360b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+#advent of code 2024
+#day 21
+#finally fucking worked
+#I had a good idea for part1 to not generate all steps but only count
+#the number of steps since the strings for part 2 would eat up all the RAM
+#however I got hit by another problem which I didn't forsee,
+#that is permutations. Basically, for part 2, you need to take into account
+#that maybe going in different order is going to yield better results
+#I hardcoded the possible steps instead of DFSing them like a normal
+#human being and doubled down on it later. When I'll have more time and will to
+#improve the code, I'll include the part where I generate the movements
+#solution for part 1 was developed on my own, but for part 2 I needed
+#external help (at least I understand what's going on in here so it's not
+#that I copy-pasted someone else's code).
+from functools import cache
+import itertools
+#use this for later
+keyboard_num = {};
+keyboard_num["7"] = (0,0);
+keyboard_num["8"] = (1,0);
+keyboard_num["9"] = (2,0);
+keyboard_num["4"] = (1,0);
+keyboard_num["5"] = (1,1);
+keyboard_num["6"] = (1,2);
+keyboard_num["3"] = (2,0);
+keyboard_num["2"] = (2,1);
+keyboard_num["1"] = (2,2);
+keyboard_num["0"] = (3,1);
+keyboard_num["A"] = (3,2);
+keyboard_dir = {};
+keyboard_dir"^"] = (1,0);
+keyboard_dir"A"] = (2,0);
+keyboard_dir"<"] = (0,1);
+keyboard_dir"v"] = (1,1);
+keyboard_dir">"] = (2,1); #'''
+dn = {};
+dn["^"] = {};
+dn["A"] = {};
+dn["<"] = {};
+dn["v"] = {};
+dn[">"] = {};
+dn["^"]["^"] =["A"];
+dn["^"]["A"] =[">A"];
+dn["^"]["<"] =["v<A"];
+dn["^"]["v"] =["vA"];
+dn["^"][">"] =["v>A",">vA"];
+dn["A"]["^"] =["<A"];
+dn["A"]["A"] =["A"];
+dn["A"]["<"] =["v<<A","<v<A"];
+dn["A"]["v"] =["v<A","<vA"];
+dn["A"][">"] =["vA"];
+dn["<"]["^"] =[">^A"];
+dn["<"]["A"] =[">^>A",">>^A"];
+dn["<"]["<"] =["A"];
+dn["<"]["v"] =[">A"];
+dn["<"][">"] =[">>A"];
+dn["v"]["^"] =["^A"];
+dn["v"]["A"] =["^>A",">^A"];
+dn["v"]["<"] =["<A"];
+dn["v"]["v"] =["A"];
+dn["v"][">"] =[">A"];
+dn[">"]["^"] =["^<A","<^A"];
+dn[">"]["A"] =["^A"];
+dn[">"]["<"] =["<<A"];
+dn[">"]["v"] =["<A"];
+dn[">"][">"] =["A"];
+kn["7"] = {};
+kn["8"] = {};
+kn["9"] = {};
+kn["4"] = {};
+kn["5"] = {};
+kn["6"] = {};
+kn["1"] = {};
+kn["2"] = {};
+kn["3"] = {};
+kn["0"] = {};
+kn["A"] = {};
+kn["7"]["7"] =["A"];
+kn["7"]["8"] =[">A"];
+kn["7"]["9"] =[">>A"];
+kn["7"]["4"] =["vA"];
+kn["7"]["5"] =["v>A",">vA"];
+kn["7"]["6"] =["v>>A",">v>A",">>vA"];
+kn["7"]["1"] =["vvA"];
+kn["7"]["2"] =["vv>A","v>vA",">vvA"];
+kn["7"]["3"] =["vv>>A","v>v>A","v>>vA",">vv>A",">v>vA",">>vvA"];
+kn["7"]["0"] =["vv>vA","v>vvA",">vvvA"];
+kn["7"]["A"] =["vv>v>A","vv>>vA","v>vv>A","v>v>vA","v>>vvA",">vvv>A",">vv>vA",">v>vvA",">>vvvA"];
+kn["8"]["7"] =["<A"];
+kn["8"]["8"] =["A"];
+kn["8"]["9"] =[">A"];
+kn["8"]["4"] =["v<A","<vA"];
+kn["8"]["5"] =["vA"];
+kn["8"]["6"] =["v>A",">vA"];
+kn["8"]["1"] =["vv<A","v<vA","<vvA"];
+kn["8"]["2"] =["vvA"];
+kn["8"]["3"] =["vv>A","v>vA",">vvA"];
+kn["8"]["0"] =["vvvA"];
+kn["8"]["A"] =["vvv>A","vv>vA","v>vvA",">vvvA"];
+kn["9"]["7"] =["<<A"];
+kn["9"]["8"] =["<A"];
+kn["9"]["9"] =["A"];
+kn["9"]["4"] =["v<<A","<v<A","<<vA"];
+kn["9"]["5"] =["v<A","<vA"];
+kn["9"]["6"] =["vA"];
+kn["9"]["1"] =["vv<<A","v<v<A","v<<vA","<vv<A","<v<vA","<<vvA"];
+kn["9"]["2"] =["vv<A","v<vA","<vvA"];
+kn["9"]["3"] =["vvA"];
+kn["9"]["0"] =["vvv<A","vv<vA","v<vvA","<vvvA"];
+kn["9"]["A"] =["vvvA"];
+kn["4"]["7"] =["^A"];
+kn["4"]["8"] =["^>A",">^A"];
+kn["4"]["9"] =["^>>A",">^>A",">>^A"];
+kn["4"]["4"] =["A"];
+kn["4"]["5"] =[">A"];
+kn["4"]["6"] =[">>A"];
+kn["4"]["1"] =["vA"];
+kn["4"]["2"] =["v>A",">vA"];
+kn["4"]["3"] =["v>>A",">v>A",">>vA"];
+kn["4"]["0"] =["v>vA",">vvA"];
+kn["4"]["A"] =["v>v>A","v>>vA",">vv>A",">v>vA",">>vvA"];
+kn["5"]["7"] =["^<A","<^A"];
+kn["5"]["8"] =["^A"];
+kn["5"]["9"] =["^>A",">^A"];
+kn["5"]["4"] =["<A"];
+kn["5"]["5"] =["A"];
+kn["5"]["6"] =[">A"];
+kn["5"]["1"] =["v<A","<vA"];
+kn["5"]["2"] =["vA"];
+kn["5"]["3"] =["v>A",">vA"];
+kn["5"]["0"] =["vvA"];
+kn["5"]["A"] =["vv>A","v>vA",">vvA"];
+kn["6"]["7"] =["^<<A","<^<A","<<^A"];
+kn["6"]["8"] =["^<A","<^A"];
+kn["6"]["9"] =["^A"];
+kn["6"]["4"] =["<<A"];
+kn["6"]["5"] =["<A"];
+kn["6"]["6"] =["A"];
+kn["6"]["1"] =["v<<A","<v<A","<<vA"];
+kn["6"]["2"] =["v<A","<vA"];
+kn["6"]["3"] =["vA"];
+kn["6"]["0"] =["vv<A","v<vA","<vvA"];
+kn["6"]["A"] =["vvA"];
+kn["1"]["7"] =["^^A"];
+kn["1"]["8"] =["^^>A","^>^A",">^^A"];
+kn["1"]["9"] =["^^>>A","^>^>A","^>>^A",">^^>A",">^>^A",">>^^A"];
+kn["1"]["4"] =["^A"];
+kn["1"]["5"] =["^>A",">^A"];
+kn["1"]["6"] =["^>>A",">^>A",">>^A"];
+kn["1"]["1"] =["A"];
+kn["1"]["2"] =[">A"];
+kn["1"]["3"] =[">>A"];
+kn["1"]["0"] =[">vA"];
+kn["1"]["A"] =[">v>A",">>vA"];
+kn["2"]["7"] =["^^<A","^<^A","<^^A"];
+kn["2"]["8"] =["^^A"];
+kn["2"]["9"] =["^^>A","^>^A",">^^A"];
+kn["2"]["4"] =["^<A","<^A"];
+kn["2"]["5"] =["^A"];
+kn["2"]["6"] =["^>A",">^A"];
+kn["2"]["1"] =["<A"];
+kn["2"]["2"] =["A"];
+kn["2"]["3"] =[">A"];
+kn["2"]["0"] =["vA"];
+kn["2"]["A"] =["v>A",">vA"];
+kn["3"]["7"] =["^^<<A","^<^<A","^<<^A","<^^<A","<^<^A","<<^^A"];
+kn["3"]["8"] =["^^<A","^<^A","<^^A"];
+kn["3"]["9"] =["^^A"];
+kn["3"]["4"] =["^<<A","<^<A","<<^A"];
+kn["3"]["5"] =["^<A","<^A"];
+kn["3"]["6"] =["^A"];
+kn["3"]["1"] =["<<A"];
+kn["3"]["2"] =["<A"];
+kn["3"]["3"] =["A"];
+kn["3"]["0"] =["v<A","<vA"];
+kn["3"]["A"] =["vA"];
+kn["0"]["7"] =["^^^<A","^^<^A","^<^^A"];
+kn["0"]["8"] =["^^^A"];
+kn["0"]["9"] =["^^^>A","^^>^A","^>^^A",">^^^A"];
+kn["0"]["4"] =["^^<A","^<^A"];
+kn["0"]["5"] =["^^A"];
+kn["0"]["6"] =["^^>A","^>^A",">^^A"];
+kn["0"]["1"] =["^<A"];
+kn["0"]["2"] =["^A"];
+kn["0"]["3"] =["^>A",">^A"];
+kn["0"]["0"] =["A"];
+kn["0"]["A"] =[">A"];
+kn["A"]["7"] =["^^^<<A","^^<^<A","^^<<^A","^<^^<A","^<^<^A","^<<^^A","<^^^<A","<^^<^A","<^<^^A"];
+kn["A"]["8"] =["^^^<A","^^<^A","^<^^A","<^^^A"];
+kn["A"]["9"] =["^^^A"];
+kn["A"]["4"] =["^^<<A","^<^<A","^<<^A","<^^<A","<^<^A"];
+kn["A"]["5"] =["^^<A","^<^A","<^^A"];
+kn["A"]["6"] =["^^A"];
+kn["A"]["1"] =["^<<A","<^<A"];
+kn["A"]["2"] =["^<A","<^A"];
+kn["A"]["3"] =["^A"];
+kn["A"]["0"] =["<A"];
+kn["A"]["A"] =["A"];
+codes = [l for l in open("","r").read().strip().split("\n")];
+def GenDirMoves(mystring, seqs):
+ options = [seqs[x][y] for x, y in zip("A" + mystring, mystring)]
+ return ["".join(x) for x in itertools.product(*options)]
+def CalcSteps(DirMoves,PrevPos,depth):
+ if depth == 1:
+ return sum(len(dn[pos1][pos2][0]) for pos1,pos2 in zip("A"+DirMoves,DirMoves));
+ score = 0;
+ for pos1, pos2 in zip("A"+DirMoves,DirMoves):
+ score += min(CalcSteps(substring,"A",depth-1) for substring in dn[pos1][pos2])
+ return score;
+def get_score(inputs,NumberOfRobots):
+ total = 0;
+ for data in inputs:
+ options = GenDirMoves(data,kn);
+ LengthOfShortestSequence = float('inf');
+ for op in options:
+ LengthOfShortestSequence = min(LengthOfShortestSequence,CalcSteps(op,"A",NumberOfRobots))
+ NumericPartOfCode = int(data[:-1]);
+ Complexity = NumericPartOfCode*LengthOfShortestSequence;
+ total += Complexity;
+ return total;
+part1 = get_score(codes,2);
+part2 = get_score(codes,25);
+print("part 1 =", part1);
+print("part 1 =", part2);
diff --git a/2024/ b/2024/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c4c809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#advent of code day 22
+#day 22
+#first puzzle I did after getting filtered by day 19
+#easy enough, just needed to calculate the prices per sequences
+#before calculating the sums to speed things up
+#for part 1 jsut calculate the new secret number after 2000 iterations
+#for part 2: make 2 dictionaries with secret number indexes as keys
+#each value in both dictionaries are lists
+#1 dictionary is for how prices are changing, the other one is current prices
+#make a set of all possible sequences from all secret keys based on price change dictionary
+#make a 3rd dictionary which has secret number as key and another dictionary as value
+#the nested dictionary contains prices based on a sequence
+#after that just iterate over the set of possible sequences make a sum
+#of the prices for that sequence, choose the highest
+#one thing that lead to a wrong answer was that I was constantly updating
+#the price in 3rd dictionary, but according to problem descriptions
+#monkeys sell the first time the sequence occurs, which means I needed to
+#only register the price once, then skip the sequence next time it occurs in
+#given secret number
+SecretNumbers = [int(l) for l in open("","r").read().strip().split("\n")];
+def CalcSecret(previous_number):
+ next_number = (previous_number<<6)^previous_number;
+ next_number = next_number%16777216;
+ next_number = (next_number>>5)^next_number;
+ next_number = next_number%16777216;
+ next_number = (next_number<<11)^next_number;
+ next_number = next_number%16777216;
+ return next_number;
+print("please wait 1/3");
+part1 = 0;
+step = 2000;
+changes = {};
+prices = {};
+#calculate the 2000 iterations of each secret number
+#sum up all values of 2000th iteration for part 1
+#store the prices of each number for each iteration
+#store the change in price of each number for each iteration
+for num_i,num in enumerate(SecretNumbers):
+ num_old = 0 + num;
+ changes[num_i] = [];
+ prices[num_i] = [];
+ prices[num_i].append(num%10);
+ for s in range(step):
+ num_new = CalcSecret(num_old);
+ changes[num_i].append(num_new%10-num_old%10);
+ prices[num_i].append(num_new%10);
+ num_old = 0 + num_new;
+ part1 += num_old;
+print("please wait 2/3");
+#create a set of all possible sequences
+#store the price of a secret number when given sequence occurs
+prices_per_seq = {};
+sequences = set();
+for num_i in changes:
+ prices_per_seq[num_i] = {};
+ for j in range(3,len(changes[num_i])):
+ subseq = tuple(changes[num_i][j-3:j+1]);
+ sequences.add(subseq);
+ price_sub = prices[num_i][j+1];
+ if subseq in prices_per_seq[num_i]: continue;
+ prices_per_seq[num_i][subseq] = price_sub + 0;
+print("please wait 3/3");
+#for each sequence calculate the sum of prices for each secret number
+#when given sequence occurs. Store the highest sum for part 2
+part2 = 0;
+for s_i,sequence in enumerate(sequences):
+ print(s_i+1,"/",len(sequences)); #to make sure the code still runs
+ score = 0;
+ for num_i in prices_per_seq:
+ score += prices_per_seq[num_i].get(sequence,0);
+ part2 = max(score,part2);
+print("part 1 =", part1);
+print("part 2 =", part2);
diff --git a/2024/ b/2024/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca87fb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#advent of code 2024
+#day 23
+#this is rewritten to adapt for part 2. All possible sets of computers
+#are searched for recursively (with FindNetwork function)
+#and stored in subnetworks set. Then it iterates over all elements of
+#subnetworks set. If the element has 3 computers, then it iterates over
+#all computers in the set. If at least one computer starts with "t",
+#it is counted towards part 1. We keep track of the longest set of
+#computers and update part2 variable when it changes.
+#The way FindNetwork works is that it takes a name of PC and a set of previously
+#visited computers that are all iterconnected. Then the given PC is added
+#to the set, the set is sorted (to avoid duplicates) and added to
+#subnetworks set. It iterates over all computers connected to PC from argument
+#according to Connections dictionary. If the computer is already in
+#the cluster, it is skipped. Then, we nest another loop to check if the
+#connections of the computer match the computers in the cluster.
+#if not, it's skipped. if yes, it call the FindNetwork function again
+#with the computer and updated cluster (NextCluster) as arguments.
+#infinite loop is prevented while checking whether or not the computer
+#is already in the cluster. Runtime is sped up due to discarding already
+#visited clusters accoroding to subnetworks set.
+#the password for part2 is just a string of computer names separated with commas
+#similar to previous day
+#I think the correct term is "ring" or "topology" but that's completely irrelevant
+#for the puzzle
+Connections = {};
+f = open("","r");
+for l in f:
+ PC1, PC2 = l.strip().split("-");
+ if PC1 not in Connections: Connections[PC1] = set();
+ if PC2 not in Connections: Connections[PC2] = set();
+ Connections[PC1].add(PC2);
+ Connections[PC2].add(PC1);
+subnetworks = set();
+def FindNetwork(PC,Cluster):
+ NextCluster = Cluster.copy();
+ NextCluster.add(PC);
+ NextCluster = sorted(NextCluster);
+ if tuple(NextCluster) in subnetworks: return;
+ subnetworks.add(tuple(NextCluster));
+ for NextPC in Connections[PC]:
+ ok = True;
+ if NextPC in Cluster: continue;
+ for OtherPCs in NextCluster:
+ if OtherPCs not in Connections[NextPC]: ok = False;
+ if not ok: continue;
+ FindNetwork(NextPC, set(NextCluster));
+for i,computer in enumerate(Connections):
+ print(i, "/", len(Connections));
+ FindNetwork(computer,set());
+part1 = 0;
+part2 = None;
+LargestNetworkSize = 0;
+for subnet in subnetworks:
+ SubnetSize = len(subnet)
+ if SubnetSize == 3:
+ for computer in subnet:
+ if computer[0] == "t":
+ part1 += 1;
+ break;
+ LargestNetworkSize = max(LargestNetworkSize,SubnetSize);
+ if LargestNetworkSize == SubnetSize: part2 = subnet;
+part2 = ",".join(part2);
+print("part 1 =",part1);
+print("part 2 =",part2);
diff --git a/2024/ b/2024/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49d2c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#advent of code 2024
+#day 24
+#part 2 requires reading the input, then either solve by hand (like I did)
+#or make some kind of detection of abnormailities (for example,
+#z-wires should always by outputted by XOR gate,
+#output of x XOR y should always go as input to another XOR connected to z-wire etc
+#basically the whole program is just a lot of adder gates,
+#adding all bits from x and y wires and outputting them into z-wires,
+#mixed together with 8 errors.
+#part 1 is kind of shitty so I won't bother explaining.
+#I should probably implement some kind of verification of calculations
+#that is: calculate the z in binary, calculate the x and y in binary
+#and calculate the z as a sum of x and y
+import re
+data_initial, data_gates = open("","r").read().split("\n\n");
+Wires = {};
+AllGates = {};
+def calc(IN01,GATE,IN02,OUT):
+ CurrentValue = Wires.get(OUT,False);
+ if GATE == "AND": Wires[OUT] = Wires[IN01] & Wires[IN02];
+ elif GATE == "OR": Wires[OUT] = Wires[IN01] | Wires[IN02];
+ elif GATE == "XOR": Wires[OUT] = Wires[IN01] ^ Wires[IN02];
+for line in data_gates.strip().split("\n"):
+ in1, gt, in2, out = re.findall(r'\w+',line.strip());
+ AllGates[(in1, gt, in2, out)] = False;
+for line in data_initial.split("\n"):
+ wire, wireval = line.strip().split(": ");
+ Wires[wire] = bool(int(wireval));
+go = True; #keep hgoing until all gates were used
+while go:
+ go = False;
+ for Gate in AllGates:
+ if AllGates[Gate]: continue; #skip gates which already ran
+ go = True;
+ a1,a2,a3,a4 = Gate;
+ if Wires.get(a1,"notyet") != "notyet" and Wires.get(a3,"notyet") != "notyet":
+ calc(*Gate);
+ AllGates[Gate] = True;
+X_set = [];
+Y_set = [];
+Z_set = [];
+for w in Wires:
+ if w[0] == "x": X_set.append((w,int(Wires[w])));
+ if w[0] == "y": Y_set.append((w,int(Wires[w])));
+ if w[0] == "z": Z_set.append((w,int(Wires[w])));
+Xvals = reversed(sorted(X_set, key = lambda m: m[0]));
+Yvals = reversed(sorted(Y_set, key = lambda m: m[0]));
+Z_set = reversed(sorted(Z_set, key = lambda m: m[0]));
+Xbinary, Ybinary, Zbinary = "","","";
+for zzz in Z_set: Zbinary += str(zzz[1]);
+for yyy in Yvals: Ybinary += str(yyy[1]);
+for xxx in Xvals: Xbinary += str(xxx[1]);
+Zcorrect = int(Xbinary,2) + int(Ybinary,2);
+Zcorrbin = str(bin(Zcorrect));
+print("binary X = ", Xbinary);
+print("binary Y = ", Ybinary);
+print(f'(addition) {"-"*len(Zcorrbin)}');
+print("binary Z =", Zcorrbin);
+print("decimal X =", int(Xbinary,2));
+print("decimal Y =", int(Ybinary,2));
+print("decimal Z =", Zcorrect, "<- this should be the output for part 2");
+print("false Z =", Zbinary);
+part1 = int(Zbinary,2)
+print("part 1 = ", part1);
+#hardcoded for my input, I did it with pen and paper
+FoundIncorrectWires = ["wbw","wgb","jct","z39","gwh","z09","rcb","z21"];
+FoundIncorrectWires = sorted(FoundIncorrectWires);
+part2 = ",".join(FoundIncorrectWires);
+print("part 2 = ", part2);
diff --git a/2024/ b/2024/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f14ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#advent of code 2024
+#day 25
+#I'm not sure if my solution is general enough to work on modified inputs
+#like bigboys but I guess it's good enough to work on original AOC one.
+#parse schematics, decide if they are a key or a lock based on first row
+#generate the heights of each pin
+#compare each key with each lock column by column
+data = open("","r").read().strip().split("\n\n");
+def getDimensions(gridraw):
+ Category = None;
+ Schematics = {};
+ xMax = 0;
+ yMax = 0;
+ for y, line in enumerate(gridraw.strip().split("\n")):
+ yMax = max(yMax,y);
+ if y == 0:
+ if line == "."*len(line): Category = "key";
+ else: Category = "loc";
+ for x, c in enumerate(line):
+ xMax = max(xMax,x);
+ Schematics[(y,x)] = c;
+ heights = [];
+ if Category == "key":
+ for x in range(xMax+1):
+ h = sum( Schematics[(y,x)]=="#" for y in range(1,yMax) );
+ heights.append(h);
+ else:
+ for x in range(xMax+1):
+ h = sum( Schematics[(y,x)]=="#" for y in range(yMax-1,0,-1) );
+ heights.append(h);
+ return Category, heights;
+Keyed = [];
+Locked = [];
+XMAX = 0;
+YMAX = 0;
+XMAX = len(data[0].split("\n")[0])
+YMAX = len(data[0].split("\n")) -2;
+for d in data:
+ cat, dims = getDimensions(d);
+ if cat == "key": Keyed.append(dims);
+ if cat == "loc": Locked.append(dims);
+part1 = 0;
+for Key in Keyed:
+ for Lock in Locked:
+ fit = True;
+ for col in range(XMAX):
+ if Key[col] + Lock[col] > YMAX: fit = False;
+ part1 += 1*fit;
+print("part 1 =", part1);