path: root/2018/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2018/')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2018/ b/2018/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a2665d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2018/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+#advent of code 2018
+#day 13
+#part 1
+import heapq
+f = open("input.txt",'r');
+Testing = False;
+Testing = True;
+if Testing:
+ f.close();
+ f = open("testinput.txt",'r');
+Testing2 = False;
+Testing2 = True;
+if Testing2:
+ f.close();
+ f = open("testinput2.txt",'r');
+Testing3 = False;
+#Testing3 = True;
+if Testing3:
+ f.close();
+ f = open("testinput3.txt",'r');
+Testing4 = False;
+#Testing4 = True;
+if Testing4:
+ f.close();
+ f = open("testinput4.txt",'r');
+Testing5 = False;
+Testing5 = True;
+if Testing5:
+ f.close();
+ f = open("testinput5.txt",'r');
+Testing6 = False;
+Testing6 = True;
+if Testing6:
+ f.close();
+ f = open("testinput6.txt",'r');
+Testing7 = False;
+Testing7 = True;
+if Testing7:
+ f.close();
+ f = open("testinput7.txt",'r');
+NotTesting = False;
+NotTesting = True;
+if NotTesting:
+ f.close();
+ f = open("input.txt",'r');
+ #f = open("shit.txt",'r');
+class thing:
+ def __init__(self, Pos, sign, currentID):
+ self.sign = sign;
+ self.PosX = Pos[1];
+ self.PosY = Pos[0];
+ self.IsAlive = False;
+ if (sign == "."):
+ self.IsPassable = True;
+ else:
+ self.IsPassable = False;
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.sign;
+ def SquaresInRange(self,bg):
+ squares = [];
+ p = (self.PosY-1,self.PosX);
+ if(bg[p].IsPassable): squares.append(p);
+ p = (self.PosY,self.PosX-1);
+ if(bg[p].IsPassable): squares.append(p);
+ p = (self.PosY,self.PosX+1);
+ if(bg[p].IsPassable): squares.append(p);
+ p = (self.PosY+1,self.PosX);
+ if(bg[p].IsPassable): squares.append(p);
+ return squares;
+class creature(thing):
+ def __init__(self, Pos, sign, currentID):
+ thing.__init__(self, Pos, sign, currentID);
+ self.ID = currentID;
+ = 200;
+ self.damage = 3;
+ self.side = sign;
+ self.IsAlive = True;
+ if (self.side == "G"):
+ self.enemy = "E";
+ if (self.side == "E"):
+ self.enemy = "G";
+ def death(self,bg):
+ self.IsPassable = True;
+ self.IsAlive = False;
+ = 0;
+ unitcords[(self.PosY,self.PosX)] = None;
+ bg[(self.PosY,self.PosX)].IsPassable = True;
+ def movement(self,bg,PosNow,PosNew):
+ self.PosX = PosNew[1];
+ self.PosY = PosNew[0];
+ bg[PosNow].IsPassable = True;
+ bg[PosNew].IsPassable = False;
+ unitcords[PosNew] = self.ID;
+ unitcords[PosNow] = None;
+ def ScanProximity(self):
+ targets = [];
+ p = (self.PosY-1,self.PosX);
+ if p in unitcords and unitcords[p] in units and units[unitcords[p]].side == self.enemy and units[unitcords[p]].health >0:
+ targets.append(p);
+ p = (self.PosY,self.PosX-1);
+ if p in unitcords and unitcords[p] in units and units[unitcords[p]].side == self.enemy and units[unitcords[p]].health >0:
+ targets.append(p);
+ p = (self.PosY,self.PosX+1);
+ if p in unitcords and unitcords[p] in units and units[unitcords[p]].side == self.enemy and units[unitcords[p]].health >0:
+ targets.append(p);
+ p = (self.PosY+1,self.PosX);
+ if p in unitcords and unitcords[p] in units and units[unitcords[p]].side == self.enemy and units[unitcords[p]].health >0:
+ targets.append(p);
+ if targets:
+ targets.sort(key = lambda x: (units[unitcords[x]].health,units[unitcords[x]].PosY,units[unitcords[x]].PosX));
+ return targets;
+ def IdentifyTargets_ALL(self,creaturelist,bg):
+ points = [];
+ for c in creaturelist:
+ if units[c].side == self.side or not units[c].IsAlive: continue;
+ points.extend(units[c].SquaresInRange(bg));
+ return points;
+ def ShortestPaths(self, pointlist, bg):
+ paths = [];
+ pathlen = len(bg);
+ queue = [];
+ heapq.heappush(queue, (0,[(self.PosY,self.PosX)]));
+ visited = [];
+ while queue:
+ d, path = heapq.heappop(queue);
+ if d > pathlen:
+ return paths;
+ if path[-1] in pointlist:
+ if pathlen > len(path):
+ paths.append(path);
+ pathlen = len(path);
+ continue;
+ if path[-1] in visited:
+ continue;
+ else:
+ visited.append(path[-1]);
+ for a in bg[path[-1]].SquaresInRange(bg):
+ if a in visited: continue;
+ heapq.heappush(queue, (d+1, path + [a]));
+ return paths;
+ def ChosenPath(self, pointlist, bg):
+ paths = self.ShortestPaths(pointlist, bg);
+ if len(paths) != 0:
+ pathends = min([p[-1] for p in paths]);
+ paths2= self.ShortestPaths([pathends], bg);
+ if len(paths2) != 0:
+ moves = [];
+ for p in paths:
+ moves.append(p[1]);
+ moves = sorted(moves, key = lambda m: (m[0],m[1]));
+ m = moves[0];
+ self.movement(bg,(self.PosY,self.PosX),m);
+def PathSearch(bg, Coordinates, Destination):
+ pass;
+def strike(attacker, target,bg):
+ -= attacker.damage;
+ if ( <= 0):
+ target.death(bg);
+def armystrength(army):
+ strength = 0;
+ for soldier in army:
+ strength += units[unitcords[soldier]].health;
+ return strength;
+def armyscores():
+ ElfScore = 0;
+ GobScore = 0;
+ for u in units:
+ if units[u].side == "G": GobScore += units[u].health;
+ if units[u].side == "E": ElfScore += units[u].health;
+ return max(ElfScore,GobScore);
+def FindEnemies(team):
+ Enemies = 0;
+ for u in units:
+ if units[u].IsAlive and units[u].side != team: Enemies += 1;
+ return Enemies;
+bgsizex = 0;
+bgsizey = 0;
+battleground = {};
+units = {};
+unitcords = {};
+identifier = 11;
+for y, line in enumerate(f):
+ bgsizey += 1;
+ bgsizex = 0;
+ for x, c in enumerate(line):
+ bgsizex += 1;
+ if c == "G" or c == "E":
+ battleground[(y,x)] = thing((y,x),".",identifier);
+ units[identifier] = creature((y,x),c, identifier);
+ units[identifier].movement(battleground, (y,x), (y,x));
+ identifier += 1;
+ else:
+ battleground[(y,x)] = thing((y,x),c,identifier);
+for y in range(bgsizey):
+ for x in range(bgsizex):
+ if (y,x) in unitcords:
+ print("X",end="");
+ else:
+ print(battleground[(y,x)],end=""); #'''
+unitcords = {};
+for u in units:
+ unitcords[(units[u].PosY,units[u].PosX)] = units[u].ID;
+elfs = sum([1 for x in units if units[x].IsAlive and units[x].side=="E"]);
+goblins = sum([1 for x in units if units[x].IsAlive and units[x].side=="G"]);
+ElapsedRounds = 0;
+while goblins and elfs:
+ fighters = [];
+ for u in units:
+ if units[u].IsAlive:
+ fighters.append(units[u].ID);
+ fighters = sorted(fighters, key = lambda u: (units[u].PosY,units[u].PosX));
+ for fighter in fighters:
+ if not units[fighter].IsAlive: continue;
+ if FindEnemies(units[fighter].side) <= 0:
+ print("loop broken FIGHTERS");
+ break;
+ tars = units[fighter].ScanProximity();
+ if tars:
+ tar = tars[0];
+ strike(units[fighter],units[unitcords[tar]],battleground);
+ else:
+ CurrentPos = (units[fighter].PosY,units[fighter].PosX);
+ IdenTars = units[fighter].IdentifyTargets_ALL(fighters,battleground);
+ units[fighter].ChosenPath(IdenTars,battleground);
+ if CurrentPos == (units[fighter].PosY,units[fighter].PosX):
+ continue;
+ else:
+ tars = units[fighter].ScanProximity();
+ if tars:
+ tar = tars[0];
+ strike(units[fighter],units[unitcords[tar]],battleground);
+ unitcords = {};
+ for u in units:
+ unitcords[(units[u].PosY,units[u].PosX)] = units[u].ID;
+ print("ROUND ", ElapsedRounds);
+ unitcords = {};
+ for u in units:
+ unitcords[(units[u].PosY,units[u].PosX)] = units[u].ID;
+ ElapsedRounds += 1;
+ elfs = sum([1 for x in units if units[x].IsAlive and units[x].side=="E"]);
+ goblins = sum([1 for x in units if units[x].IsAlive and units[x].side=="G"]);
+ '''
+ for y in range(bgsizey):
+ for x in range(bgsizex):
+ if (y,x) in unitcords and unitcords[(y,x)] in units and units[unitcords[(y,x)]].IsAlive:
+ print(units[unitcords[(y,x)]].side,end="");
+ else:
+ print(battleground[(y,x)],end="");
+ print();
+ '''
+ '''
+ for y in range(bgsizey):
+ for x in range(bgsizex):
+ print((y,x), " - ", battleground[(y,x)].IsPassable);
+ print();
+ print();
+ '''
+unitcords = {};
+for u in units:
+ unitcords[(units[u].PosY,units[u].PosX)] = units[u].ID;
+ print(u, f'({units[u].side} / ({units[u].PosY},{units[u].PosX})) ', units[u].health);
+for y in range(bgsizey):
+ for x in range(bgsizex):
+ if (y,x) in unitcords and unitcords[(y,x)] in units and units[unitcords[(y,x)]].IsAlive:
+ print(units[unitcords[(y,x)]].side,end="");
+ else:
+ print(battleground[(y,x)],end="");
+print("part 1 = ", ElapsedRounds, "*",armyscores(), "=",ElapsedRounds*armyscores());
+print("lil cheat = ", (ElapsedRounds-1), "*",armyscores(), "=",(ElapsedRounds-1)*armyscores());
+#I cant get the correct answer without implementing any short circuit logics
+#thats why I print 2 outputs, for number of rounds and (number of rounds -1)
+#190777 p1 correct