path: root/2024/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2024/')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2024/ b/2024/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c824d96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#advent of code 2024
+#day 14
+#correctly assumed that the picture will show up
+#if the robots don't overlap
+#doing previous years with online help paid off
+#NOTE: I learned that it's not recommended to
+#take modulo of a negative value
+#however there was no problem with that in python
+import re
+class robot:
+ def __init__(self,rx,ry,rvx,rvy):
+ self.posx = rx;
+ self.posy = ry;
+ self.startx = rx; #useless, no need to reset
+ self.starty = ry; #useless, no need to reset
+ self.velx = rvx;
+ self.vely = rvy;
+ def move(self,steps):
+ self.posx = (self.posx + steps*self.velx)%xMax;
+ self.posy = (self.posy + steps*self.vely)%yMax;
+ def currentpos(self):
+ return (self.posx,self.posy);
+ def resetpos(self): #useless, no need to reset
+ self.posx = self.startx;
+ self.posy = self.starty;
+robots = [];
+xMin = 0; #from part 1 description, grid range
+yMin = 0; #from part 1 description, grid range
+xMax = 101; #from part 1 description, grid range
+yMax = 103; #from part 1 description, grid range
+f = open("","r");
+for l in f:
+ nums = re.findall(r'-?\d+',l)
+ robots.append(robot(*[int(n) for n in nums]));
+RobotPositions = {};
+TimeElapsed = 100; #from part 1 description, time of simulation
+for r in robots:
+ r.move(TimeElapsed);
+ robx,roby = r.currentpos();
+ if RobotPositions.get((robx,roby),None) == None:
+ RobotPositions[(robx,roby)] = 0;
+ RobotPositions[(robx,roby)] += 1;
+part1 = 1; #Safety Factor to multiply
+qlim = [(0,xMax//2,0,yMax//2),(1+xMax//2,xMax+1,0,yMax//2),(0,xMax//2,1+yMax//2,yMax+1),(1+xMax//2,xMax+1,1+yMax//2,yMax+1)];
+#qlim = ranges of each quadrant in format: x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max
+#not to be confused with xMin,xMax,yMin,yMax of the total grid
+#could probably change it a bit and check which quadrant given robot
+#belongs to after calculating its position at TimeElapsed
+#and count them during "r in robots" for loop
+for qx1,qx2,qy1,qy2 in qlim:
+ robotcountq = 0; #number of robots for each quadrant
+ for y in range(qy1,qy2):
+ for x in range(qx1,qx2):
+ robotcountq += RobotPositions.get((x,y),0);
+ part1 *= robotcountq;
+print("part 1 = ", part1);
+TotalRobots = len(robots);
+#I assume (in hindsight: correctly) that the picture doesn't show up before the 100s mark from part 1
+#in general robots' positions should be reset and then start the timer from t = 0
+while True:
+ TimeElapsed += 1;
+ RobotSpots = set();
+ for r in robots:
+ r.move(1);
+ robx,roby = r.currentpos();
+ RobotSpots.add((robx,roby));
+ if len(RobotSpots)==TotalRobots: break;
+part2 = TimeElapsed;
+print("part 2 = ", part2);
+#commented out the print of the tree itself
+#for y in range(yMax):
+# for x in range(xMax):
+# c = ".";
+# if (x,y) in RobotSpots: c = "#";
+# #c = RobotPositions.get((x,y),".");
+# print(c,end="");
+# print();